If you are one of our Mid-America Chapter members, we would like to thank you for your continued membership. We hope that you are taking advantage of all the professional benefits that IIDA offers.
membership Types
Professional Members are actively engaged in the profession of interior design or design education. Applicants for Professional Membership must meet one of the following groups of standards:
Proof of certification date (or test results) by NCIDQ – no other exams are accepted.
Apply for a Professional Interior Designer Membership
Proof of either state architectural registration or documentation of successful completion of NCARB exam, and Documentation (resume or current job description, with dates, acceptable) of minimum of six years practice experience in interior design above and beyond those areas tested by the NCARB exam.
Associate Members are actively engaged in the profession. Applicants for Associate Membership must meet the education requirements of the NCIDQ exam or equivalent (a two-year certificate in interior design or equivalent educational credits), but have not completed the exam. To qualify, you must provide an official college transcript or diploma.
Affiliate Members are actively engaged in a field of expertise that is directly related to the interior design industry (lighting designers, architects not practicing interior design, photographers, etc.). Please include business card.
With an IIDA student membership, our student members can take advantage of discounts on events, further their skills through competitions, demonstrate a level of professional commitment, and connect with professionals throughout the year both locally and nationally in this organization.
why iida - member highlights
Beth Harmon-Vaughan
“I joined IIDA right out of college and was soon asked to join the local board, eventually becoming president of the Mid America chapter, Southwest chapter, a Fellow and the first elected international president. I invested in IIDA and was greatly rewarded with two enduring consequences. First, the opportunity to learn to lead – how to develop an idea, plan and organize a team of people to achieve a shared outcome. These experiences prepared me to confidently lead projects, present ideas and work effectively with clients and team members well beyond my years of professional practice experience. The second opportunity provided the platform to develop a personal, global network of designers, consultants, and resources that helped me deliver unique value to our clients. Many of those folks are still friends and cherished colleagues today. IIDA required a lot of my time and effort, but it had an important impact on the early days of my career, preparing me for future leadership positions in practice and scholarship that I could never have imagined as a new graduate. The return was much greater than my investment.”
Beth Harmon-Vaughan, FIIDA
Alissa Wehmueller
“I absolutely believe I would not be where I am professionally without IIDA. I learned invaluable skills while being involved in our local City Center and Board, from managing events, strategic planning for the Chapter and understanding how to run and lead a board that I’ve gone on to use in my career. I’m grateful that IIDA allows me to connect with designers and thought-leaders from around the country. We’re incredibly lucky to have such an engaged, thriving professional organization as a resource and network – you’ll get back ten-fold every ounce of energy you put into it!”
Alissa Wehmueller, IIDA
2019 IIDA Member of the Year
Peter Sloan
“For me, IIDA is a critical fulcrum for the design community that advocates, contextualizes and amplifies why design matters. I am continually inspired by the IIDA community and the collective passion around: health, wellness, stewardship, mentorship, inclusivity, diversity, and creating positive change through design. I especially love the fact that IIDA is an active catalyst in helping bring beauty, joy and inspiration to the world around us.”
Peter Sloan, IIDA
connect with iida
If you have any questions regarding new or existing memberships, please contact our VP of Membership at membership.iidama@gmail.com